Space Systems1998
Gumbert, C., Violet, M., Hastings, D.E., Hollister, W. M. And Lovell, R, "Assessing Personal Mobile Communication Satellite Systems Using a Cost per Billable Minute Metric" Journal of Spacecraft and Rocket, Vol 35, No. 1, (1998)
Kelic, A., Shaw, G. , Hastings, D. E, "A Metric for Systems Evaluation of Satellite based Internet Links", Journal of Spacecraft and Rocket, Vol 35, No. 1, (1998)
Wickert, D., Shaw, G. & Hastings, D.," Impact of a Dsitributed Architecture for Space Based Radar", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 35, Number 5, p703-713, (1998)
Shaw, G., Yashko, G., Schwarz, R., Wickert, D. & Hastings, D. E., "Analysis Tools and Architecture Issues for Distributed Satellite Systems", Microengineering for Aerospace Systems, H. Helvijan (ed), Aerospace Press, El Segundo, CA, 1999
Wells, D. and Hastings, D. E., "The US and Japanese Space Programs: A Comparative Study of Goals and Capabilities", Space Policy, p. 233-256, August 1991.
Hastings, D. E. et al. , " New World Vistas Space Technology Volume", US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Government Printing Office, 1996
Hastings, D. E. & Hutchinson, I. " The Two Edged Sword of Technology", Regeneration Quarterly, 1996
Hastings, D. E. et al. , "Space Technology for the 21st Century", NRC Press, 1998
Hastings, D.E. "Military Space Technology", INSS, USAFA, 1998