The Ram's Horn, 4 April 1896

WHEREVER the tide of human life flows very deeply and swiftly, there shipwreck is most frequent and we place Rescue Missions at these points. But do we ever think of there being rescue missions in the skies? Could we scan the far battlements of heaven we might, perhaps, see them lined with hosts of angels watching and waiting to descend to the rescue of some tender child whom it were better to snatch away to scenes of glory, than leave it in an atmosphere that reeks with moral contagion. It wa such a scene as appears on the page opposite that Isaiah saw when he wrote "He shall gather the lambs with his arm and shall carry them in his bosom."
He shall save the children of the needy, and shalll break in pieces the oppressor. --Psalm 72:4.
Reprinted courtesy The Ohio State University
